Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ketchup Chips

I picked up a sandwich and a bag of chips in the cafeteria today, and as I was walking out I started talking to a colleague whose husband is Canadian. The conversation turned to the chips I had just purchased (Cool Ranch Doritos), and my colleague mentioned that her husband (who, keep in mind, is Canadian) likes really weird snacks from his childhood like ketchup flavored potato chips. This, of course, reminded me of Pegs, who on more than one occasion demonstrated her love of ketchup flavored chips by wolfing down an entire bag. Pegs wasn't big on processed food as a rule, but one of the things we liked to do when traveling to a foreign country was to visit a convenience store or grocery store and check out the chips section. It always amazed us to discover the flavors that appealed to the local palates, both by home-grown companies and multinationals like Frito Lay. Examples include the ever-popular roasted chicken and thyme flavored chips in France, paprika flavored chips in the Czech Republic and lime-soaked chips in Costa Rica.


Ao said...

Ohhh, I love those chicken-flavored chips. They are so good. When Derek went to France for a research trip last summer (and I couldn't join him, alas), he brought me back a bag of chicken chips. What a sweet guy, eh?

Also makes me think of the curry-flavored Pringles a friend once brought back from Scotland. They were amazing.

Derek said...

Pegs introduced us to the chicken-flavored chips. I'm sure you guys had some around the apartment, but the moment I specifically remember first tasting them was on a picnic in the Jardins Luxembourg in September 2008 with the Alexanderpool clan, Mom and Dad, and Ariel and me. After that lunch, Ariel and I were hooked.

Anonymous said...

Check out this website.


Brooke said...

I just saw Haggis flavoured crisps at Lidl. Oddly enough, they were on sale.

Jennifer said...

Yes yes yes! Ketchup chips!! I remember the mutual adoration for those! I wanted them my entire pregnancy with my son and remember it coming up in conversation one day how us weird Canadians love ketchup chips!

Seriously, haggis flavoured? Wow! haha