About This Blog

This blog is dedicated to preserving and sharing the memory, and celebrating the life, of Panagiota Alexandropoulos.  Our hope is to make this site not only fun and entertaining for you as a reader, but also to provide everyone with an opportunity to contribute to our growing archive of materials about Panagiota.  In fact, the success of this website depends on your participation; please keep reading to see why this is so important and how you can help.

Why is it important?  As many of you know, Panagiota's daughter Sofia was only three years old when she passed away.  Because she is so young and because Panagiota was ill for so long, Sofia didn't have as much time as she should have to know her mother.  We want to ensure that Sofia has as many memories of Panagiota as possible when she grows up, whether those memories be from her own experience or from the experience of others.  It is also, of course, a great way for those who knew and loved her to be able to celebrate Panagiota's amazing life.

Why a website?  Shortly after Panagiota passed away, we received a treasure trove of cards and e-mails from well-wishers filled with their thoughts and memories of her.  In talking with a number of you, we realized that almost everyone had something special they wanted to share, whether it be a funny story, a cherished memory, or a previously unseen photo.  Our first idea was to catalog all of these memories and images into an album for Sofia so that she could benefit from them later.  We quickly came to the conclusion, however, that a website would allow everyone to share and enjoy these memories in real time.  A website could also be dynamic and allow for materials to be added in the future. 

Why should I contribute?  As well as each of us may have known her, everyone has unique memories of Panagiota that are personal just to them.  In order to paint as complete a picture of Panagiota as possible, both for Sofia and for others, the website needs to reflect the many points of view of those who knew her.  By contributing a story or image or video, you may also prompt others to share their own memories, creating a virtuous cycle that helps our collection of materials grow and become richer as time goes by.

What do you want us to provide?  We actively encourage you to submit anything about Panagiota that you think others (including Sofia) might like to see or to know.  Maybe you've got some old pictures or videos of her that you'd like to share.  Perhaps you remember something she said or did, or a habit she used to have; perhaps you remember her distaste for something, or her passion for something else.  Maybe you have an e-mail or letter to or from her that you would be willing to send us, or perhaps you would like to write her an open letter now.  Maybe something recently happened to you, and you thought to yourself, "You know, Panagiota would have done/said/thought [fill in the blank here] about that."  Anything that would help paint a fuller picture of who she was or what she meant to you is welcome.

But I didn't know Panagiota that well....  That's ok! We've found that even those people who barely knew her were left with a strong impression of her, and we'd love to hear about it from you. It's often people who only met her on a handful of occasions who have an interesting insight or memory that others who knew her better might not remember as well.

Sounds great!  How do I contribute?  If you received an invitation to the website from an administrator, all you have to do is follow the instructions in the e-mail or check out the handy FAQ page for more details.  Once you're registered as an author, you can add your own posts complete with text, photos and video.  If you heard about this website from a friend or came across it on your own and want to share, please send us an e-mail and we can either include you as an author or add your text/images/video directly on your behalf.  The blog's e-mail address is at the bottom of every page, so please e-mail us as often as you'd like.

No thanks; I'm just looking.  While we hope that everyone will share, we also hope that everyone will enjoy reading the blog and come back again and again without feeling any pressure.  We encourage you to check out our archived materials indexed on the right of the page, or access different types of posts by clicking on one of the categories listed on the right-hand side.  If you read something that inspires you but you don't feel like writing an entire post, please feel free to submit a comment or send us an e-mail.

We thank you once again for your visit and hope that you share your own memories of Panagiota with us soon.  Please be sure to come back often to read new posts or to re-read older materials!