FAQ on How to Contribute

So you'd like to contribute but you're not sure how to do so? Web illiterate?  Technologically unsavvy?  Skittish around anything with a power switch? We've got you covered; just read on.

How do I write a post?  If you're already registered as an author, simply click "New Post" at the top right of any page.  You will be taken to a new page that will allow you to write a post in either plain text or HTML format.  

What if I'm not an author?  You can still contribute!  You can always send us an e-mail either asking to become an author or giving us materials to put up for you.  If the latter, we will be happy to post your materials for you anonymously or attribute them to you, however you prefer.

Do I need to be an author to leave a comment?  Nope!  Absolutely anyone can submit a comment.  Simply click on the "Leave a comment" link below any post and scroll down to the section entitled "Leave your comment."  Once you're done, you can choose whether to sign your comment or leave it anonymously.  We would prefer that everyone claim ownership of their submissions, but we understand if you're shy.

How do I include photos or videos?  Start a new post by clicking the "New Post" tab, as indicated above.  From there you can click on the picture or video icon on the new post toolbar, which will allow you to add media from your computer or the web.

How do I format my post?  There's no need to format your post in any particular way.  An administrator will eventually make any necessary adjustments to ensure that the blog remains consistent, but there's no established format for how materials are submitted.

Will someone censor or edit my post or comments?  Our hope is that everyone will contribute acceptable materials, but in the event that something inappropriate makes its way onto the site, it will be removed and the person who submitted it will be contacted.  Otherwise, with the exception of formatting or correcting obvious errors, we plan to refrain from modifying anyone's submissions.

What are these "label" things?  Labels, or tags, are a helpful way for other people to find your post by including it in established categories.  For example, if your post has photos, you should include "Photos" in the label section of the new post page.  Clicking on the "Labels" link will allow you to see all of the available labels; remember, more than one label may apply to a single post.  If you don't put labels on your post, don't worry; an administrator will eventually do it for you.

How do I send you an e-mail?  We'd love to hear from you!  Our e-mail address is at the bottom of each page.  Just click the link or paste it into the address of your e-mail, and someone will be in touch with you soon.

This sounds too complicated.  No problem!  If you have something to share but can't figure out how to do so, please send it to us in an e-mail.  We can help explain what to do or add your memories to the blog for you.