Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Something You May Not Know...: Efficiency

To say that Pegs was an efficient person is like saying that George Lucas has a neck waddle: both give you an idea of what I'm talking about, but don't really convey the scope involved. If you were capable of doing something, odds were that Pegs could do it faster, better and for less money. It took me a while to realize this fact, mostly because she wasn't in the habit of bragging or showing off and I'm relatively clueless, but Pegs was pretty much more capable than I was at everything. Except math. And maybe following directions. Anyway, my point is that if you gave Pegs a task, she would invariably find the most efficient way to get it done and then do it, without procrastination or excuses. Waste frustrated her no end, whether in respect of time, materials or other resources. I was reminded of this when I came across a series of old e-mails between all of the Vandersibs debating what to get my father for his birthday. We all had great ideas about consolidating lots of music files for his new iPod and were trying to figure out what to include, how to include it and who would be responsible for what. Having clearly reached her limit after innumerable missives back and forth, Pegs finally sent an e-mail to everyone involved as follows:

I'm worn out just reading the emails.  How about we get him flowers.  That sounds easy.

If I recall correctly, we got him stargazer lilies.

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