Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Panagiota Alexandropoulos, Esq.

Paris, July 6, 2005 (with Bob)
A lot of people knew Pegs as a devoted mother, a quick wit and/or a great cook, but not many people also knew her as a fantastic lawyer. Pegs didn't work as an attorney for very long; she began her career in October 2001 and left private practice in December 2004. In that short time, however, she was generally acknowledged by those who knew what they were doing as a remarkably bright and capable attorney. Although she admitted to never being comfortable with some of the confrontational aspects of negotiating, her many other attributes (organization, attention to detail, dedication and problem-solving, to name a few) lent themselves extremely well to a transactional practice. Even after she stopped working, whenever she and I would talk about what I was doing at the office, she would not only invariably understand the situation, but she would also often have valuable insights on how to address any problems I was having. Considering that her career in private practice only spanned the course of three years, her ability to engage in those sorts of discussions years after she had stopped working as a lawyer was truly remarkable (and not just a little bit intimidating, to be honest). Needless to say, I was always really impressed by Pegs' abilities as an attorney, but please don't take my word for it. Below is an e-mail from her former law partner, Bob Finley, with whom she practiced at both Clifford Chance and King & Spalding. The email was dated December 27, 2004, shortly after she stopped working in order to move with me to France. On a side note, Bob came to our wedding a little over six months after he sent this e-mail, and I seem to recall that he spent half of the reception congratulating Pegs and the other half trying to find out when she planned to move back to the US....

From: Bob Finley
Date: December 27, 2004
Subject: You
It has been an absolute pleasure for me to have had the opportunity to work with you these past few years. You are an extraordinary talent and person. You are, of course, very smart and capable. More importantly, you care about your work, are eager to learn and grow and really value doing a good job. Your efforts really helped me to develop my relationship with GE. I can't tell you how important your contribution was.

I know that you'll succeed in whatever you do. I hope you stick with law as you have a real talent.

Give your new life a chance and expect to be freaked out from time to time.

I hope you'll stay in touch and that we get to work together again. Things tend to work out the way they should over time, particularly for those who put effort into what they do.

Thanks again for the wine. Say hello to the French for me.

Sincerely and with my best wishes for you always,



Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. This is lovely. - Jill

Derek said...

When Bob moved from Clifford Chance to King & Spalding, wasn't Pegs the only associate he took with him?

Lee said...

Not only that, I believe she was the only attorney he even ASKED to go with him. It ruffled a couple of feathers, as I recall. Because she would have lost her annual bonus at Clifford Chance for leaving before April, Bob also made sure that King & Spalding gave her a rather large signing bonus when she joined to make up for it.