Tuesday, November 8, 2011

London, Baby!

I've been putting up a few sentimental posts as of late, so I wanted to lighten the mood a little with something a bit more lighthearted. Below is a photo that only a few of you have probably ever seen from a weekend trip Pegs and I took to London to meet up with Eric Schwesinger, who flew all the way to England because his mother's astrologist told him he had to be there on his birthday (seriously). We had just left our hotel and were walking down a small street when Pegs saw this scantily clad mannequin in the window of a shop. Completely unprompted, Pegs reached through the grill of the front door and gave the mannequin's hooter a honk. Maybe it's the mischievous look on her face or the fact that she would do something so funny without a second thought, but this shot makes me chuckle every time.

London, April 29, 2006

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