This brief exchange between the two of us was after one of those nights. Pegs had sent Ariel and me home with some cake she had made - in part, I think, so that she wouldn't be tempted to have more of it herself - and after enjoying a slice the next day, I wrote her a little thank you note. I think it nicely encapsulates a) how good her food was, b) the Vanderpool reliance on pop culture references, and c) Panagiota's typical combination of modesty and wit in response to compliments.
From Derek to Panagiota, November 11, 2008
Subject: Pegs is great!
She made us chocolate cake!
From Panagiota to Derek, November 11, 2008
you're not snorting it are you?
I can hear her voice exactly.
Me too! I was thinking the same thing before I even checked the comments.
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