Tuesday, October 18, 2011


As Lee mentioned before, Pegs got along very easily with the whole French family who in return loved her from day one. Bon Papa, who used to call her "Chere petite Peg," was a big fan of hers.
For his 90th birthday he received a computer to keep more easily in touch with his grandchildren spread in different countries, learning how to Skype, read/write emails and watch photos.
Pegs, who loved Bon Papa, wrote this email on 12/02/08:

Hey everybody / Bonjour a tous,

I thought I would start a Sofia photo of the day daily email. I thought it would be a nice way to share a bit of Sofia with you every day with the added benefit of ensuring that Bon Papa gets at least one email a day from me. Now, if some kind soul would translate this for him, then he gets at least two emails a day!
Cute things Sofia has done lately:
- She has started walking. She is still a bit off balance, but she tries her little heart out.
- She identifies people in pictures and when I ask her to identify a particular person, she points to them.
- Finally calls me mama instead of dada.


1 comment:

Brooke Sing said...

That's great, I remember Sofia calling her Dada.