Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Easter and gardening

Below are a few videos from Easter 2011. Pegs was filming, but you can hear her talking about all of the things we needed to do in the garden while I "egged" Sofia on.  Sorry; I couldn't resist.  In one of the videos you can see all of the tulips that we planted earlier that spring. I've also attached some pictures of the garden, which Pegs loved so much, including the tulip bed.

Japanese magnolia, daffodils and day lilies we planted near the garage.

One of the dogwoods in front of the house.
Yellow tulips in the front bed.
The rest of the tulips in the front bed.
View of the vegetable garden and the pear and apple trees behind them.

1 comment:

Damien said...

The garden looked great, Lee! And is it my imagination or has the easter bunny been getting lazier with how he's hiding the eggs...i could have sworn they were much more well hidden when i was a child