Friday, December 16, 2011


Sofia has been having a bit of an issue lately with ingesting her ... well, her boogies. I'm sure it's a phase most kids go through, especially in the winter, but the other day when I saw Sofia digging for nasal gold, I was reminded of Pegs' least favorite word: meixes (pron: meek-ses), which is the Greek word for snot, boogers or anything else you might call the stuff that comes out of your nose. I don't know why she had such an aversion to that word in particular; English terms for the same stuff didn't seem to phase her, and I personally saw her wipe Sofia's nose on multiple occasions without being the slightest bit squeamish. But if you said "meixes" around her, she would usually close her eyes and shudder involuntarily a bit before she punched you in the arm. Hard. Go figure.

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