Monday, November 7, 2011

Mucho gusto

Driving Sofia home tonight from Niki's, for no reason at all, I was reminded of something Pegs used to say all the time: "I love you mucho gusto." I'm not really sure how that expression got started or why, but it was something Pegs liked to say, especially to Sofia. I decided to ask Sofia who used to say that, and at first she guessed Papou for some reason, but after she gave it a thought, she burst out, "Mama!" Then she got silent for a second and said, "Daddy, I wish Mama were alive forever and ever." I do, too.


Anonymous said...

Sofia is wise beyond her almost 4-year old self. Strong hugs and many kisses being sent to you and Sofia. - Jill

Derek said...

What a nice way to connect with Pegs' memory.