Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cashew Curry Chicken Recipe

Yes, this is what it should look like.
Ok, I have to admit that posting this recipe kind of makes me feel like some sort of scientist from the 50s giving away super-classified nuclear secrets to the Soviets. Except that would obligate all of you to speak to me with heavy Russian accents, and then I would have to wear a lab coat with a slide rule in the front pocket, and I remember from middle school what happens to kids who do that. In any event, this is one of my all-time favorite recipes of Pegs': cashew curry chicken. This stuff is like curried crack; I still can't understand how a nation that can create food this good can have so many politicians willing to go on hunger strikes. Whenever Pegs wanted to get on my good side (yeah, I remember that ... day) or give me a special treat for dinner, she would make this dish. She would usually double the sauce portion, which is just one of the many reasons why I loved her. Another great thing about this dish is that you really can't make it too spicy, unless my French cousin Sidonie is coming over for dinner, in which case you should only put in 1/4 of the cayenne; by the way, you should fully expect her to sweat profusely and turn purple after a single bite while I loudly grouse about how bland it is. The one cardinal rule you must follow is Pegs' note about replacing the yogurt with coconut milk (it makes all the difference), but otherwise feel free to experiment, especially with the seasonings. Oh, and don't worry if it comes out looking like a novelty fake vomit kit exploded in your pan; that's what it's supposed to look like (see pic at right). Make the jump below to access a scanned copy of the hand-marked directions from Pegs' recipe book, and I hope you enjoy!

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