Friday, October 14, 2011

Panagiota Preferences: Cleanliness Edition

Another segment we'll try to post regularly is something we're calling "Panagiota Preferences", which is intended to highlight one or two of Pegs' likes and dislikes, together with a little anecdote or example. We've already told you of Panagiota's affinity for maple syrup in all its many forms, so let's focus on something she didn't care for so much: dirt. Some of you are undoubtedly thinking, "Big deal, Lee; aside for that one hippie roommate I had in college, I don't know that many people in this world who actually enjoy dirt." Ah, but that just means you had no idea about how much or how thoroughly Panagiota would keep everything clean. I'm not going to draw any comparisons to Howard Hughes in the germophobe department (think more along the lines of Monica in the eighth season of Friends), but Pegs definitely had a need for order and hygiene. Many of you will remember taking your shoes off as soon as you entered our home to keep from tracking in dirt, or the readiness with which Pegs would offer hand sanitizer whenever she sat down to eat, or her platonic love affair with her Miele vacuum cleaner. Pegs was so concerned about keeping a clean house that within a day of being discharged from the hospital following 29 hours of labor (culminating in a C-section), she vacuumed and dusted our entire apartment in anticipation of people coming over to see Sofia. You may ask, "Why on earth would you let her do that all by herself, Lee?" The answer, of course, is simple: having seen how I used to "clean" my previous bachelor pad, Panagiota would have re-cleaned everything I tried to tidy up anyway. To this day I still don't understand why it's not acceptable to use toilet paper to clean the bathtub....

Got your own story about Panagiota or her cleaning habits that you'd like to share? Write a new post, add a comment or send us an e-mail!

1 comment:

Brooke Sing said...

I'm pretty sure Panagitoa sabotaged her old vacuum after she got emails from me raving about my new Miele. She was a bit put off of the price of a new one but I just cheering her on from the sidelines and then I received this email:

Subject: My cracks have never been so clean!

I now understand the whole artificial intelligence/human love genre. If my Miele could talk and think on top of sucking all the dirt out of my life...