Friday, October 14, 2011

Panagiota Pic: Seine Kiss

Every once in a while, we'll post a new picture of Panagiota with an explanation of when and where it was taken. Today's pic is from our wedding reception, courtesy of our brother-in-law, Young. As you can tell from the picture, Panagiota and I were married in Paris with our reception on a boat on the Seine. What you might not be able to tell from the picture is that, although we were married in July, Paris had an unseasonable cold snap the day of the wedding. Temperatures dropped into the 50s, which was great for anyone wearing a tuxedo, but not so much for sun-loving Greeks wearing silk dresses. In the end, though, the cold weather gave us a great excuse to cuddle and kiss a lot that night, which was very convenient for yours truly. And before you assume that I was indifferent to Pegs' bare shoulders, you should know that she had a shawl and wore my tuxedo jacket for most of the night; she had just given it back to me when this picture was taken because we were heading downstairs, and that's when the Eiffel Tower lit up and prompted a spontaneous smooch that Young was able to capture on film.

Bonus story: I was working late one night on an acquisition financing negotiation with my head partner, a fellow associate and our client in my office as I drafted a document while everyone contributed edits. I had a large copy of this picture on my wall, and the client eventually asked if that was me in the picture. "Yes," I responded, "It was taken at our wedding reception." The client said, "Oh, very nice. Where did you get married?" I hesitated for a moment before I said, "Um, Las Vegas." He just nodded and said, "Congratulations." It was then that I realized that either we all needed to get some sleep or I would need to be a bit more selective in my choice of clients in the future.

Got your own photo(s) of Panagiota that you'd like to share? Write a new post or send us an e-mail!

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